On September 29, the American business magazine released an article about the rookie co-ed group with the title '4 Signs K-Pop Band KARD Are Headed For Worldwide Success'.
SEE ALSO: KARD completes successful Latin America tour
As the title says, Forbes points out the 4 factors of how and why KARD has a great chance of going big beyond South Korea. The article focuses on KARD's strong presence overseas, catchy sound, highly engaged audience, and uniqueness.
Here is an excerpt from the article:
They have the soundSo what is it about K.A.R.D. that has such a strong appeal outside of their home country? There are a lot of factors, but one likely reason is that their sound drips with that top-40 feel, particularly the top-40 feel that's emerged over the past few years. Looking at their catalog, it seems K.A.R.D.'s music is indebted to both EDM and reggae. Judging by the popularity of dancehall-influenced singles "Work" or "Controlla" and the ubiquity of the so-called "pop drop," it seems K.A.R.D. have picked a formula that's proven to be successful.
For an example of this sound, listen to "Don't Recall," which is one of K.A.R.D's songs with the strongest reggae influence. It's no surprise that "Don't Recall," their sophomore single, is the band's most popular track on Pandora, with around 1 million spins to date.
You can check out the full article here.
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