The show's youngest contestant in history and also a known Cube Entertainment trainee - 12-year old Jo Woo Chan - went up against rapper Woo Won Jae in his semi-final match. Before his stage, the show visited Jo Woo Chan's parents at their home, where the young rapper opened up about his struggles competing.
Jo Woo Chan's dad asked him, "What was the most difficult part?" and Jo Woo Chan replied, "I had to keep up with the physical staminas of the adults on the program, and after that, I was worried when controversies arose or online comments came up, so all of that was difficult."
His parents also opened up with, "We are worried for him. If he hadn't gone on the show, there wouldn't be [such hate comments] like this. We wanted to reply to each of the comments. That's how parents are. We also feel that Woo Chan doesn't want to show his weak side. We are proud of him, but also pity him."
In his one on one interview, Jo Woo Chan relayed, "In online comments, [they would say] other people write my lyrics for me, 'He only got this far because he's young', 'Why is he here', there were a lot of comments like that, but I managed to get past that and came this far so I feel like I've been acknowledged, and I also received attention through this, so everything is very different from 4 months ago."
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For his semi-final stage, Jo Woo Chan performed a song titled "VVIP" feat. Sik-K, but ultimately lost to Woo Won Jae. Check out his performance above!
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