The note reads as the following:
"Seokjin 13 June YEAR 22
After returning from the sea, we were all alone.
As if we planned ahead, we did not contact each other. We simply assumed each other's existence through the remaining graffitis on the street, brightly lit gas stations, and the sound of the piano from an old building. These after images reappeared like a vision. The moments when it looked as if Taehyung's eyed were bleeding fire, the look I received as if they've heard something unbelievable, the hand of Namjoo that withheld Taehyung, and the punch I threw at Taehyung as I could not suppress myself.
After failing to find Taehyung who fled, there was no one left at the beach dorm/house. Broken cups, dried up blood stains, and cookie crumbs were all that left to remind me of the events that happened earlier. Between that was a single photo. It was us who were smiling together while posing in front of an ocean background.
I simply just walked by the gas station today as well. There will eventually be a day when we meet again. A day will come when we are smiling together like in the photo. A day will come when I will have the courage to face myself fully. However right now, is not the time. Today as well, a damp wind blew and then as if it was a warning, my cell phone rang. The photo that I hung on a room mirror shook. On the screen, Hoseok's name appeared.
'Hyung, Junggook had a car accident that night'."
Get even more excited for BTS' September comeback!
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