The mother revealed she's deeply concerned due to her 31-year-old son who dreams of becoming an actor. She explained that her son asked for about $8,877 for 10-month acting class and about $3,550 for his profile photo shoot. However, he did not attend the acting classes or take his profile photos. She was also unable to receive the money back.
Furthermore, the son underwent eye cosmetic surgery recommended by his acting teacher. The procedure cost him about $4,438. ''The surgery didn't go well so he got it redone 3-4 times. His life is ruined because of his eyes", said the mother.
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She shared that it hurts the most to see her son staying home all the time due to lack of confidence following his cosmetic surgery failures.
The son also spoke out and said, "I underwent surgery after it was recommended by my acting teacher but it was a failure. I underwent surgery 4 times but failed. I lost confidence." He added that he used to blame his mother as she was the one who introduced him to the acting class, but he commented, "I didn't know my mother was having such a difficult time."
The MCs responded with words of encouragement, stating, "Your eyes have become very natural now."
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