On August 2, according to the Seoul Eastern District Court, A, B and another friend 'C' had several drinks at B's home back in July. After drinking late into the evening, B and C fell asleep while A was left awake. A then noticed various luxurious brand name items and expensive jewelry in B's house.
Feeling a rush of jealousy, A destroyed bracelets worth approximately $26,678 with her hands. She also grabbed a cutter knife and cut off thousand of dollars worth of clothes hanging in the closet. That wasn't all as A went into another room and destroyed 5 brand name bags with the cutter knife. A damaged a total of more than $98,000 worth of brand name items.
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Several days later, A messaged B via Kakao Talk and apologized, "Sorry, I must've been out of my mind because I was drunk." With the message as the evidence, B took the case to court. However, A did not admit to the charges and claimed that she only apologized to prevent the issue from getting out of hand.
Ultimately, A was fined $8,892 for property damage. The jury explained, "There was no objective evidence before A sent the Kakao message to B. Text message is a form of portrayal that can be done without actually carrying out the crime. The total cost of the damaged items is large but the actual cost of damage is different when taking depreciation and repair costs into consideration."
Netizens expressed shock to the news and commented, "She destroyed over $98,000 worth of items but was only fined $8,892...", "Hideous", "Why do girls get jealous like this..."
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