The survey with the question,�''Who do you think will be the final center on 'Produce 101' season 2?," took place through online community DC Inside�from May 28 to June 3.�
Out of the currently remaining 35 trainees, Fantagio's�Ong Sung Woo�took 3rd place by taking 17.6% or a total of 34,399 votes.�
In second place is Kang Daniel�of MMO Entertainment. He received 33.6% of the votes which is equivalent to 65,645 votes.�
And the trainee to take #1 is Maroo Entertainment's Park Ji Hoon�who took 41.6% or 81,281 votes!
Other trainees who also garnered many votes were�Lai Guan Lin, Joo Hak Nyun, Kim Jong Hyun, and�Lee Dae Hwi.�
Who do you think will be the final center on 'Produce 101' season 2?
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