When the MC asked, "You have donated approximately 4.5 billion KRW ($3,987,630 USD) until now. Did you think it would add up to such an amount?"
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Sean answered, "Not at all. Our sharing per day is worth ten dollars. If we just continue to do what we can each day, a small miracle is bound to happen." The MC asked, "Did you ever think it was a waste?" Hearing this, Sean responded, "If I had thought it was a waste, I probably wouldn't have done it to begin with."
Sean commented, "I believe that the money is being used for a good cause. 'What can I do to make myself happy with 4.5 billion KRW ($3,987,630 USD)?' The answer to that is nothing."
Meanwhile, Sean and his wife have been contributing to various causes to help the less fortunate, such as distributing coal briquettes during the winter season to assisting in soup kitchens.
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