The singer sat down for an interview/photo shoot with the fashion magazine at her hotel room at the 'W Taipei' in Taiwan. Jessica wore a beautiful white Dior ensemble for her first outfit.
The Chinese to English translations for the quotes were provided by Merzore.
Passionate for fashion, the singer once mentioned her dreams of entering the fashion industry. "I started having this dream after being part of the entertainment industry." Alas, in 2014 she successfully launched her own clothing line 'Blanc & Eclare.'
She commented on departing Girls' Generation and becoming more independent, " I felt more free and independent, I thought about many things, about how I'm turning 30 soon and it's time to grow up....If I were still a group member, I would not have been able to achieve what I have today."
When asked if she ever felt pressure and had the urge to give up any part of her career, she commented, "I would be lying if I said it hasn't been hard but I've learned to manage better as time goes....I am a very focused person and I pay 100% attention to whenever I am doing something."
She then added, "...I have an on/off switch, I can switch my mindset and psyche around very quickly....I became a singer and started a business because I have a passion for them, so it never crossed my mind to give up either of them."
Jessica then opened up about her younger sister Krystal whom she cares dearly for. She recalled to her earliest debut days, "I felt so guilty towards her at that time. Being the elderly sister, I should have shown the strong and reliable side of me...I wasn't a good role model," shedding tears.
She continued, "There are no secrets between us, we're like family...Honestly, it's hard to find someone whom you can the entertainment industry....Having a sister in the same a blessing."
Turning 28 this year, it seems Jessica has matured as a multifaceted artist, "I feel like I've grown a fair bit from juggling so many roles. I've gained more wisdom as the years go in life..."
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