One interview question asked DAY6 to choose between "I Wait" and "Goodbye Winter", two songs they released last month to kick off their year-long music release project. Young K answered, "For this question, I think all of the members would agree on 'Goodbye Winter'."
Wonpil agreed, saying, "I like that kind of feeling where the emotions, the lyrics, and the melody attack the heart. The kind of music I like is that kind of genre as well." Jae added, "If I had to listen to only one song til I died, I would listen to 'I Wait'. But my heart goes toward 'Goodbye Winter', because I feel like I've felt that way before, and the song makes me feel like I've been put in that situation."
Dowoon also said that it's "a more empathetic feeling," while Sungjin commented, "'Goodby Winter' is more my style because it's quieter and gives off the feel that I'm telling my personal story with its sound and lyrics, but 'I Wait' has a good energy with the explosive parts in the hook."
They also followed up with good things to say about "I Wait". Wonpil said, "I like that when you listen to 'I Wait', it's definitely a stylish song. It's a little embarrassing to say because we made it, but I think that it's a 'cool' song'."
Which one do you like better?
SEE ALSO: DAY6 sells out Osaka and Tokyo concerts, proving their enduring global appeal

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