Back in 2015, James got into a tragic accident that severely injured his left wrist. The accident also caused delays in Royal Pirates' comeback and concerts. Unfortunately, he's still suffering from the injury and ultimately had to share sorrowful news to fans. On January 30, James wrote a handwritten letter that stated,
"I've tried to power through and be as positive as possible, but I am at the point where I need to do what is right for me... Ever since I was a kid the idea of finishing whatever I started has been branded into my brain. I've spent the last 2 years trying to pick up the pieces and salvage whatever I could.
But I recently found out that on top of a possible 6th surgery to restore whatever function I can in my hand, I also have a blood clot in my brain. So I've accepted that leaving now is not guilting, but redirecting my life. And I hope you can agree that this is what's best.
I am so sorry for letting you down, but I hope you know I gave you guys everything I had, I never resented the blood, sweat & tears.. Only the missed opportunities and memories I envisioned when I first moved to Seoul.
Thank you for your support & love & loyalty & the memories & everything. I wish RP & you all all the success in the world. I will never forget you guys."
SEE ALSO: Kim Jong Min introduces fiancée on 'My Little Old Boy'
Get well soon, James.
Tip: Linda
Thank you guys for everything. I will miss you. #royalpirates #??????
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