On the November 22 airing of 'Taxi', Heechul revealed that he once dated a rookie idol star. He also shared that he brought the issue to his boss, Lee Soo Man, and explained, "The girl tends to be harmed more when there's a scandal so I discussed it with Lee Soo Man sun-saeng-nim about how I should react when a scandal broke out. I also told him whom, and from which label, I was dating."
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Heechul continued, "I told him [Lee Soo Man] that if a scandal happened, to announce that I really like her a lot. I told that to both Lee Soo Man sun-saeng-nim and also to her label."
"I still don't know much about dating but I really didn't know anything back then. I was only worried about a solution to when we got caught and wasn't focused on my girlfriend. I thought that was love and caring. I've never even taken pictures with her. I dated her for about 3 months but I think we met like 5 times... I don't think I even saw her 7 times in total," he reflected.
The life of an idol is hard...
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