A wild boar's sudden appearance in an apartment complex caused chaos and fear.
On October 24, YTN News reported the incident in which a wild boar that weighs around 150 kg (330 pounds) appeared in an apartment building in Kyungnam, Korea, and climbed up 4 flights of stairs.
In the video, you can see the wild boar roaming in the parking lot. It then jumped over a fence despite its heavy weight and entered the residential building.
The building made an announcement to its residents about the wild boar's appearance, sending many into panic mode. One resident said, "I thought I might die if I ran into the boar."
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The wild boar made it all the way up to the 4th floor and broke some windows, causing chaos for a 10-minute span. The police that promptly arrived asked the residents to stay inside while trying different methods to draw the wild boar outside the building. However, as the end of the day approached, the police had no choice but to shoot the boar.
A resident commented, "I have a baby and the boar made it all the way to the door of my apartment. I was so scared and I couldn't go outside."

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