Beautiful and talented duo, Davichi, graced the stage of 'Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook!'
When Yoo Hee Yeol asked what the two singers think about when they lock their eyes, Kang Min Kyung replied, "Our songs have a lot of high notes, so finishing up a song feels like overcoming a struggling. When we look into each others' eyes, I think to myself, 'Unni, it's over.'"
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Another question during the interview was if there was a time when the duo almost broke-up; both members of Davichi have been together for over 10 years, including their training period. The group answered that they never have. Kang Min Kyung explained, "Our personalities are so different, that we compliment each other." Lee Hae Ri also added, "But we do share one trait, and that is that we don't hold any grudge."
When asked, "What would you like to take from from the other person, if possible?" Hae Ri answered, "Age" and "Becoming paler as she drinks." Kang Min Kyung revealed that she would like to have Hae Ri's legs.
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