The phone, even though recently released, has been on a mass recall because of its exploding battery. During a recent 'V' app, Kyung Li and Keumjo hilariously dissed the exploding phone.
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Kyung Li was reading a comment from a fan (who knew the girls used the Note 7) that read, "Shouldn't Kyung Li and Keumjo change phones?". Kyung Li laughed and joked, "Guys, we're holding a time bomb! Everyone! Everyone!! The moment it explodes, I'm going to toss it outside." Keumjo added, "I'm even charging the phone." Kyung Li then dropped the phone and the girls made exploding noises, pretending the connection had died.
They ended the segment by telling fans to be careful because they saw a lot of people using the Note 7 when they went around performing. You can check out the girls' recent broadcast here!
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