The event was MCed by Kim Shin Young, and was full of events such as a Q&A session with the fans, games, 'Leggo Video Awards', and more. The members teared up at the fanmade video shown during the event, and then once again at the end when the fans had a slogan event where they all held up a slogan that red 'Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, always next to EXID'.
The girls performed "Cream", "L.I.E", "Ah Yeah", "Every Night", and "Hot Pink", as well as their fan song "Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring". The girls said, "This is a historic day that will remain in our memories forever. We had a great, happy time, and we were able to feel how loved and cherished we were through your existence. We're so grateful that you are always supporting us and giving us strength. We will give back to your unchanging love through better music and stage."
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