Seventeen fans have expressed their annoyance at LA Weekly.

On the 28th, the media outlet wrote about IOI's Somi coming to KCON LA as well as her ethnicity, and titled it, "Can Jeon Somi Become K-Pop's First International Biracial Superstar?". The tweet that accompanied the article read, "#IOI's Jeon Somi is going where few biracial K-pop stars have gone before. Appearing at #KCON this weekend."
A few fans wrote back to them and tweeted, "yes hi sry but this has already been done by vernon from seventeen!!!!!!!! [sic]" To this, LA Weekly replied, "We should have mentioned him in the article, but not sure he's a "superstar" even in S. Korea."
If the original lack of Vernon in the article didn't already annoy Seventeen fans, the tweet definitely irked many, as many took up in arms to inform LA Weekly of all of Seventeen's achievements so far.

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