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The live broadcasts of all the K-Pop artists who recently returned to the scene interacted with their precious fans via 'V,' the highlights of which were all captured below.
Many stars made their respective comebacks this week and let's see who the top 3 streams were on 'V.'
In third place with 4.8 million hearts was G-Friends's "Navillera Comeback Showcase." A wonderful and fun comeback as seen in the showcase video below.
In second place with 5.6 million hearts was iKON's "Hot Live #2 300 Sparta." Wow, it's been already 300 days since their debut, time flies fast.
In first place was BTS as their "Hot Live #1 Live in Osaka" received over 15 million hearts! B2ST was finally dethroned after placing first in back to back weeks. Congratulations BTS!
Check out the Best of V in the weekly highlights video clip below.
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