University professor makes critical commentary on Yoochun's rape case
Posted by jubilantj182 pts Monday, June 20, 2016
Yoochun's rape charges have been making headlines lately, and with four reports of sexual assualt against the idol, a special investigative team was assigned to handle the case.
Though many people may agree that an investigative team is necessary to deal with such a big case, a university professor spoke up against the idea, making blunt commentary on the whole issue through social media.
Jeon Woo Yong, a professor and historian, wrote on his Twitter, "This is almost at the level of a serial murder case. There are two types of investigations that those in positions of power focus excessively on: the one that the citizens are interested in and the one that they want the citizens to take an interest in."
Jeon continued, "The investigative team in charge of Yoochun's rape case is composed of 12 people but how many people were on the investigative team for the Korea Parent Federation, Hong Man Pyo, and Jin Kyung Joon? A society which draws all 'societal interest' through a 'celebrity scandal' is the perfect environment for other crimes to dwell. Especially crimes in places of power."
What do you think? Do you agree with Jeon's point of view?
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