You know something's wrong when one of the leads is a peeping tom...
After Bo Nui asks Soo Ho to sleep with her, he refuses, saying it's not his thing. He discusses it with his friend afterwards. Bo Nui is consoled by Gary, and she opens up about everything. An encounter with fans clues her in to the fact that he is the tennis star. Gary finds his father's journal, but not his father -- and it's Bo Nui's turn to console him. After avoiding Bo Nui and finding totems in his office, Soo Ho finds her journal and confronts her, only to be driven off by Gary's stinging invective...
So now Soo Ho knows -- and is offended by it all. This is shaping up to be more than simply awkward, it's a straight up obstacle. Especially since he thinks that it was his zodiac sign she was after, not simply him. However, I think a lot has changed, but he can't know that. And the way Gary tore him down? Ouch.
A good book has the power to tug tears from you.
I like that they put a lot of the focus on Gary here. Other than Soo Ho, Gary is the closest we have to a romantic lead. It's interesting how he continues to be the rock in Bo Nui's life and she ends up comforting him in the end. He's driven to find his father and thought he really had a clue this time. Ironically, he is a more likable character than Soo Ho.
Soo Ho continues to amuse and annoy me at the same time. He has some serious commitment issues, and while I know why, it's still irksome. I know one-night stands aren't his style; I get that. But instead of admitting his feelings, he either avoids them or ends up in a confrontation. His brilliance is actually his biggest enemy, as he rationalizes everything.
I still stand by my shipping comments. Amy's meant to be with Soo Ho and Gary/Geon Wook is for Bo Nui. We just have to stop the plot from getting in the way. I still think Bo Nui's superstitions are not helping.
Also, not what it looks like.
It's getting better and better. I'm hooked, if only to find out what lies around the next corner. I'm looking forward to the next one, and I hope you guys are too!
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