After two days of media reports going back and forth on JYJ Yoochun's sexual assault claim case, C-JeS Entertainment has released an official statement on June 15.
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The label wrote:
Hello, this is C-JeS Entertainment.
Since the first sexual assault claim filed this past June 13, we have continually received reports regarding the claim, including the most recent news of the claim's official withdrawal, from news outlets, not from the police.
As a manager, I know that a celebrity is a job in which one receives love from the public, and thus we must comply with the media's right to know about celebrities' lives, including personal situations. Even through several instances in which such circumstances were used unfairly to cause threats and false speculations to arise, we thought these were parts [of being a celebrity] we had to endure.
But a serious crime investigation is different. This sexual assault claim case was reported without any prior confirmation from police officials simply due to the fact that it involved a Hallyu star, and since that day, [Yoochun] has been labeled as a criminal. Afterward, [Yoochun] began being tried not by official police investigations, but by the media through a series of 'don't ask truths, or maybe not' types of news reports. But because we have decided that just because we have been accused as a suspect in the case, we have no right to begin rambling about our innocence, we have stated that the media focus on official statements from police.
Before we issue any statement about the accuser's withdrawal of the claim, we appeal to news outlets. Please put official police statements first when reporting further on the case, and take care and caution, as a case like this has the potential to move one's life left and right. When the first report was released on June 13, no police investigation had been launched yet, and an official claim statement was omitted. But after that, reports making false speculations flooded the media, and we have faced defamation and libel from which we cannot recover, in just one day. We believe that the opponent in this case is not the accuser, but the misleading news outlet reports.
As we've previously announced, we have yet to receive any official statements from the police, and plan to wait on word from their side. We also plan to comply with any further investigation the police may request in order to prove Yoochun's innocence.
From here on, we have no intention to reveal our perspective on the case through the media and will come forward only when police have made their statement.
Thank you.
Even after police confirmed that Ms. Lee has withdrawn her sexual assault claim against Yoochun, the idol still faces a myriad of hardships - from the possibility of a continued investigation, to serious defamation of his name, the public's eyes, and more.
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