If there is one thing that MC's, DJ's, and reporters never fail to ask Korean stars, it's the inevitable question of the 'ideal type.' Ideal type is the term Korean people toss around when asking gals and guys what ideal features or traits they prefer in a partner. 

Oftentimes, Korean celebrities' ideal types are general and straightforward: pretty, handsome, smart, funny, athletic, sexy, etc., etc. Then there are the outliers whose ideal types are a bit...particular.
Below we have compiled a list of some of these strange ideal types--who knows, maybe you're that one person on this earth that can fit these odd moulds!
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Joo Won: A kind woman with a smooth back and a pot belly

Jang Kiha: A woman who looks like she'll knock him out cold

Chaeyeon: An invigorating man whose breath smells like toothpaste

HOngki: A woman with clean armpits

Shin Se Kyung: Optimus Prime

Zico: A woman whose thighs are so taut that it's impossible to remove objects from her pockets

Junjin: A bipolar woman who is energetic in front of others but is quiet when she's with him

T.O.P: A graduate from Ewha Woman's University

Seo Yuri: better gamer than she is

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