Pictures shared on Busan Metropolitan Police Agency's official Facebook captured the touching moments of police officers returning lost children during the Lunar New Year safely back to their homes.
The lost children are seen being safely led by the officers back to their families, some of them clinging to the officers for their dear lives.
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Though the thought of lost children during the holiday is heartbreaking, it's a relief to know that they will always reunite with their families thanks to these reliable officers.
The pictures were shared along with a comical caption which went, "If you don't hear your cute little monsters causing a ruckus or clacking away at the computer, locate their whereabouts straightaway. They may be roaming an unfamiliar area after making an escapade of the tedious home of their grandmother. Busan Police's 'goo goo ga ga' skills only gets better by the day thanks to taking care of these little monsters in your place."
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