Zico confessed that he couldn't understand people who left their school and home to pursue music.
The 9th's episode of 'Same Bed Different Dreams' handled the story of a son who had run away from Australia to Korea and was fostering his dreams by busking on the streets of Korea. He wasn't going to school and was making a living through part time jobs. He'd left Australia because he was hurt mentally at home, but even though he had a student visa, he wasn't attending school in Korea.
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At his story, Zico said, "I studied abroad when I was younger as well. I was in Canada and China, and from middle school to high school, I was in Japan. I don't think 'I'm not gonna go to school so I can do music instead' is a valid reason. I studied art in Japan [in school] and still did music."
He made a comparison by saying, "If you say you're going to start a restaurant before you even finish making your dish, you won't have any merit. You have to first know about cooking and also taste your cooking before you show it off. If you just put it out there without any establishment, no one will believe you."
What do you think about his opinions?
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