Cross Gene are back with their new sensational track "Noona, You" and fans are already going wild over their release. With all their energy and might, they are doing everything they can to win over an older woman, but are they winning over the crowd with their quirky MV?
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Cross Gene were last dominating the scene with the fun filled "ba ra bi da" beat of "Play With Me" and a twist of insanity and a personification of popular anime character 'L' from anime series 'Death Note.' Not to say "Noona, You" lacks the same in-your-face, adrenaline hyped power of "Play with Me" but it seems to be missing a bit of a catchy element that their last singing was pushing. The "La La La" and "Why Noona, Why don't you know?" can be addictive but not as easily as "Play With Me" was.
The EDM opening reminds me of an certain American song always on the radio and played at clubs but the title slips my mind. The beat has a great flow with its loud drum snares, mixture of electronic sounds, and non-disruptive incorporation of a rowdy band sound. I can see it performing well on stage since it has that messy attitude that made Big Bang's "Sober" so popular. The most favorable side of "Noona, You" might be more in the lyrics than instrumentals alone. Their style is stubborn and assertively sassy as they state "Even with other men, you look better with me" and "You think I'm young, but I'm a man, too. Where are you looking? You're my girl." Lyrics like these help Cross Gene escape that typically paired broken-hearted concept for something more rough around the edges. Check out the MV below and see how badass the boys have become!
What's more, it is easy to relate and sing along to! Songs that mold this easy to follow style into their lines make it undoubtedly irresistible for international fans and Korean fans alike. The chorus was playful yet wisely designed. I enjoy hearing a high note that carries throughout each chorus, building an amped up feeling without stealing the show from the rest of the lines included. However, even though the song may have a catchy opening and well-thought-out chorus, it doesn't strike gold as ear candy just yet. A live performance may be the winning chance for this song since the MV showcased no choreography. It will be a great way to see their improvement from their early stages and time off from their previous releases.
MV production was entertaining and more than enjoyable to watch! Yet, I was still looking for more than just a funny story. I like the little 'save the girl,' who in the end doesn't even need saving, concept but I think the clownish nature made it both fun yet cheesy! This is another MV that can be added to the list of adorkable styles as they venture from trap to trap to rescue their lady. I kind of get a Big Bang vibe and the song seems almost plastered over the MV rather than going along with it, almost as if both were meant for something completely different. I enjoyed their bad-boy look and tough demeanor; each member looks even more handsome than before, but it isn't anything new to K-Pop conceptually. It shows, like many groups, they are versatile and finding an image that best suits them, and I think this might be it! Loud, spunky, and fun!

Although, all that bad boy charm didn't stop me from laughing over the fact that each scenario they encountered was like watching a live action of Batman/Donkey Kong game levels. Barrel throwing, clownish villains - it is a funny jab at classic cartoon comedy. That is what makes the MV worth coming back to. Overall, "Noona, You" has more potential than the MV, but I feel it all comes down to how Cross Gene pull it off on stage. From concept styles to their dance routine, it almost seems like a mystery as to what they will bring out during show time. Despite that, "Noona, You" will definitely earn a hot spot on the charts! Let's see if they will win first and keep their promise of buying 300 fans chicken! Count me in, boys!

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