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Funniest 'Engrish' lines of 2015

Posted by AllK_Maknae21 pts Saturday, January 2, 2016
B1A4, Brown Eyed Girls, Dal Shabet, EXO, Girl
1. Funniest 'Engrish' lines of 2015
You hoped by now that K-Pop lyrics would have cleaner English lines...think again! Our idols still love throwing in those random English lines and to our delight! You may have thought English lyrics were finally perfected, but 2015 was littered with some funny lines in many popular songs!
2. B1A4 - Sweet Girl
This song was just sweeter than candy and a total fantasy of love...until that one Engrish line spoiled it a little. "Oh U Gotta Deep Eyes Girl." Like I get it...but then I don't. Enlighten me, B1A4. We can let them pass this time since they are so dang cute! Listen at: 1:36
3. Girl's Day - Ring My Bell
Girl's Day had a field day with their Engrish lyrics. From "Tonight, Oh Boy I'm Fall In Love" to "We gonna make it showtime." It is charming in a quirky way but still childish and confusing. Listen at: 0:42
4. Anda - Mastering
The song is catchy and has a unique use of English lyrics, however some make absolutely no sense. Specifically "One to Ten, Just Four Number." Sadly, she hasn't mastered English yet, all in due time, Anda. Listen at: 1:06
5. EXO - Call Me Baby
"Never don't mind about a thing!" "Call Me Baby" was a song filled with perfect swag and enthusiasm. However, when it came to the grammar, it got a little...interesting. Although I love singing it, I'm lost in the lyric that I can't even think straight, let alone mind a thing. Listen at: 3:06
6. Purfles - Bad Girl
I like this group but the only stupid thing I see is the odd use of English words. I don't know whether these ladies are over men and want a bad girl or simply want to become one? Listen at: 1:07
7. MC Mong - Secretly
"True and Lie, True and Lie" I get what he was going for but the truth is the usage is wrong and I can't lie. Who cares as long as it's catchy right? Listen at: 0:42
8. Brown Eyed Girls - Brave New World
Miryo's rap is a cool part of the song but she must have been rapping too fast to think of proper English sentences. When you're just too tired to think straight you "got high blood pressure... gotta need some fresh air." Listen at: 3:31
9. Dal Shabet - Joker
"(I Wanna) Gimme wanna babe Gimme wanna babe, Joker! Joker(I Wanna) Show me wanna babe Show me wanna babe Joker Joker!" What I do appreciate about this 'Engrish' lyric is that throwback feeling it gives you back to mid 2000's K-Pop. You know, when every song had some sort of odd English line thrown into the mix of Korean. It is fun to hear in their songs but it makes me almost wonder if their Korean is just as random? Listen at: 1:33
10. BTS - Dope
"I Got A Feel, I Got A Feel" - This line is the build up of the amazing chorus that is "Dope!" Although a total energy amping chant, we simply can't forget it isn't the best English line. I got a feeling they'll keep making hits even in 2016! Listen at: 0:43
11. RaNia - Demonstrate
You'd think after including a fluent English speaking member, the girls would perfect their English speaking game. However, they still dish out lyrics like "Come on Come on Baby, Not Come In Get This." Seriously? They are still fabulous though. Listen at: 1:03
12. SONAMOO- Cushion
The song was fun and uplifting but the lyrics are, yet again, questionable. Lyrics like "Baby Don't You Leave My Mine" and "Feel So What? Touch That Guy" make it one of those songs that if you sing in public... people will think to quickly go the opposite side of your direction. Listen at: 0:47
13. Oh My Girl - Cupid
"Hey Cupid Has Shot My Heart, Turn Around Now Shot My Heart!" She's trying to tell me something, I just know it! Oh My Girl are a group with great songs and concepts but their lyrics may still have you saying "Oh My God" instead. Listen at: 1:02

SEE ALSO: K-netizens are concerned for Park Bom after Lee Min Ho denies knowing her personally

  1. B1A4
  2. Brown Eyed Girls
  3. Dal Shabet
  4. EXO
  5. Girl's Day
  6. RaNia
  7. BTS
  8. MC Mong
  9. Purfles
  11. Oh My Girl
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