Si Woo humbles Chi Ang
In meditation class, Si Woo summons up a vision of the fire and of an altercation in the burning building, but has no idea who the child or the man in his visions are. Meanwhile, miles away, this vision jars the man in the hospital awake for the first time in 18 years. The first thing he says: "Where are my children?" The agents of Wang Hao (Chi Ang's father) come to his side immediately. The principal mulls over Si Woo's account and wonders if the man in the boy's vision is still alive. Later, the man muses over the fate of his kids "Joon and Young."
Everyone gears up for finals, incorporating combat into their daily tasks. Chi Ang and Si Woo spar in the exams, but the match is a draw. Next is the comprehensive exam, where they have to prepare food and present it in their Sunday best (suits, for the great unwashed). As a final test, the principal drugs the wine of some of the students. Our heroes, the girls, Yeob Jung, and Choi Ho awaken in a cage, smoke pours into the room, and Si Woo is paralyzed from the pain in his ear...
Chi Ang is lovestruck by Soon Duk's elegance
In this episode they injected some nitrous into the show. Not only do we get to see everyone fighting but we also begin to see some plot threads starting to tie. So there's a connection between Si Woo, the man in the hospital, the principal, and Chi Ang's father? Now we're getting somewhere. I'm guessing that the mysterious man is Si Woo's father. I can't begin to fathom what the principal's role is in all this.
The dinner party was interesting, to say the least. It was surprising that Chi Ang took out his mentor, despite the fact that he has a thing for his buddy's tutor. Still, given access to the wardrobe, the students rose to the occasion nicely; the boys looking dashing. Soon Duk and Sun Ah sported stunning but classy fashions, courtesy of Chi Ang and Si Woo, who picked their dresses for them.
The students, trapped while smoke billows into the room.
One of the things I absolutely loved about the competition between Shi Woo and Chi Ang was not so much the confrontation itself, but the strategies their mentors employed, and how much their teaching styles resembled their tactics while fighting. Sun Ah focuses on attacks, so Chi Ang was winning, seemingly overpowering Si Woo. But Soon Duk had him focus on defense, letting Chi Ang wear himself down, and then having the idol strike when the other boy was winded. I liked that a lot. Too many martial arts offerings in the media don't explain the method behind the madness. This offered the info in flashback during the match, a very nice touch.
Too many questions: what is the supposed treasure hidden in the school? It's rumored to give its bearer powers, what might those be? How much does Wang Hao know about this treasure, and how much does the mysterious man in the hospital know? What is Shi Woo's connection to him? Why the fire? Who set it?
I'm still here if you are, even if they shortened the run by four episodes :(. See you next week!
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