Earlier, fans were shocked upon learning the list of A-list nominees who would be absent from the award show. Yoo Ah In was also on the nominees list for his films 'The Throne' and 'Veteran'; however, due to his filming schedule for 'Six Flying Dragons,' the actor had relayed that he wouldn't be in attendance at the awards show.
At Yoo Ah In's and other actors' decline to be a part of the award ceremony, the hosts of the show couldn't help but be perplexed. Jo Geun Woo, the director in charge of hosting the 'Grand Bell Awards,' said in an interview, "He's boycotting the show made for the audiences who turned actors into stars. What did we do wrong? The ones who should be criticized are those that don't attend the ceremony."
On the controversy surrounding the boycotting of the awards ceremony, Jo stated, "The level of our country's actors is that of a developing country. They don't seem like stars. It's a detriment to the country as a whole. It's really frustrating and heartbreaking."
Before this controversy surrounding the boycott of the ceremony, reps from the 'Grand Bell Awards' had claimed that they wouldn't give awards to the actors and actresses that didn't attend the show. When the controversy grew bigger, a 'Grand Bell Awards' rep had stated that they would "discuss the matter further," but hadn't come forward with an official statement until the 19th.
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