EXO may seem like so cool and full of charisma on stage but off-stage, they're just mischievous boys who are more full of derp. So much derp, in fact, that they would put the awkward penguin to shame. But of course, that's what makes our boys so endearing! Once you get to know them off-stage, they're all the more lovable.
SEE ALSO: Lee Seo Jin gives up on marriage and fatherhood
Chanyeol's uncanny resembalnce to a camel

For the ultimate effect: Chanyeol chewing in SLOMO.

Sehun's 'Yehet' overkill

When you wake up screaming in the middle of many nights night thanks to Sehun's face.

Sehun wishes he could help but he is too busy 'yehet'ing and babying the second maknae Kai.
Sehun tries to hide the fact that he's salty for being put on blast by AKP. It's because we love you that we do this
It's hard to say 'no' to Kai's fatal aegyo

Meanwhile, Sehun be like,

Under his breath, 'The world (and Kai) will be mine.'
And Suho has just given up on taming the maknaes altogether

The honorable leader can't admit defeat.
But like the cool leader that he is, he just brushes it off his shoulder

Suho be trying so hard to pretend everything's okay.

Suho also got these two to deal with

Suho trying--and failing--not to fall for Chen's and Baekhyun's fabulousness.
Baekhyun is just too fabulous for the leader

Xiumin tries to convince everyone that he is the true maknae of EXO

You're not fooling anyone, Xiumin....
Sweet Lay is always the last to get the joke, making him the butt of every joke

This should be explanation enough.
D.O. is the only member who can be both cute and sexy

D.O. low-key as he watches his own part in an MV.
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