Through a very entertaining and bizarre promotional video, 'Happy Period' recently launched their campaign in hopes of helping women ease their monthly aches with an adorable coupon set.
In the video, you can see a young couple struggling to find comfort during the girlfriend's cycle as she is seen explaining her discomfort. She says, "It feels like I'm giving birth to a warm oyster. I just want to get rid of the lower half of me."
The boyfriend isn't in a better predicament as he makes one failed attempt after another to help his girlfriend feel at ease.
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These coupons are made for boyfriends and husbands who worry about their girlfriends and wives as they watch over their significant other go through the ups and downs during her "magical week."
From 'Pad shuttle coupon' to 'Super Hero coupon,' this 7-coupon packet includes all the things that the man can do to help the woman get through the week without causing disturbance to the relationship.
If you want to download the coupon, check out Happy Period's official campaign site here!
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