Ken revealed how he came to join VIXX and when he started growing his dream to become a singer on the September 22 airing of 'Kim Chang Ryul's Old School.'
DJ Kim Chang Ryul questioned the idol, "Is it true that you started dreaming about becoming a singer after hearing the OST in 'The Age of the Wild Men'?" Ken replied, "That's right. When I heard Kang Sung's "Wild Man" in 'The Age of the Wild Men' OST, I wanted to sing it. By chance, I sang the song when I went to karaoke with the hyung's I used to practice Tae Kwon Do with and they all said I was good. That's when I started dreaming about becoming a singer."
The DJ also wanted the details behind how Ken joined VIXX. Ken explained, "I was preparing to enlist in the army but before that I went out to an audition and happened to pass. After that, I naturally joined VIXX."
It wasn't all smooth sailing for the idol, however. Ken told the listeners, "As a trainee, I learned dancing for the first time. There were many instances when I wanted to quit because of dance, but I was able to hang on thanks to the members," expressing his gratitude towards the other members for sticking with him during his difficult times.
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