On the September 29 airing of 'Going to School,' Kangnam and Namjoo's cute bickering brought some laughter for the hard-working students of Gimpo Jaeil High School. The two idols were not only in the same classroom but they also sat right next to each other, leading to some hilarious interactions throughout the episode.
When Kangnam first told Namjoo that they would be in the same classroom, Namjoo jokingly declared, "Ew," but they really ended up in the same classroom, much to Namjoo's dismay.
When Kangnam first told Namjoo that they would be in the same classroom, Namjoo jokingly declared, "Ew," but they really ended up in the same classroom, much to Namjoo's dismay.
Kangnam, ever the mischievous delinquent, stole some snacks out of Namjoo's lunch box to share it with the classmates. Kangnam's mission to irritate Namjoo continued when he suddenly yelled in the middle of class, "Why are you grabbing my hand?" making Namjoo flustered and yell back, "What are you talking about?"
Kangnam's antics didn't end there. During science class, Kangnam tried to cheat by looking at Namjoo's papers, but his efforts were for naught as she blocked his attempts at every turn.
Come on, Kangnam, get at Namjoo's level!
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