For a mission on her group's new reality show, Girls' Generation's Seohyun disguised herself and ventured into the heart of Seoul for a segment called 'Channel Seohyun'.
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The mission was for the singer to carry out various tasks and the risks were especially high as the staff said if she failed the mission her broadcast segment would end. Her missions included eating alone, shopping, and asking a passersby to take a picture of her without anyone recognizing her.
Seohyun managed to complete the first two and had the last task of asking someone to take her picture left. The task proved difficult because of all the people milling about, but the singer managed to blend in and naturally set up the steps to ask someone to take her picture by taking selcas of herself first amidst the crowd. She then asked a woman standing nearby to take one for her, and she was able to complete her mission without anyone realizing who she is!
As if to celebrate her little accomplishment, the singer skipped out the store, giving a triumphant wave at the camera. Watch Seohyun's adventures in the clip above!
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