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Among the female idols who featured on their new song, Jinusean mentioned Akdong Musician's Suhyun, Ailee, Hyosung, and EXID's Hani as the artists that were the most memorable. They said, "Suhyun has her own color but when she was on stage with us she emitted a different kind of charm, which made it fun for us. Ailee, Hyosung, and EXID's Hani did well too. [Hani's] dance was especially sexy."
Jinusean also confessed that they can't help but feel the large generation gap between them and the younger idols. The duo said, "Our hoobaes are so adorable. There are even idols that were born in the 2000s. At times, we feel the generation gap but when we perform together we forget all about it. These days there are so many idols. They even wear big name tags," musing on the present idol culture that is different from when they were active.
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