Previously, Soul Shop Entertainment said they would release a CCTV of singer Gilgun threatening Kim Tae Woo and throwing things in the studio. True to word, the agency dropped the video right before the large press conference Gilgun had on March 31.
The video is alleged proof that she threatened the CEO, Kim Tae Woo, over five issues they were having. The CCTV footage is about one minute and forty-two seconds long, but with no sound, so it is hard to tell what they are talking about, but it is clear that Gilgun is lashing out as she throws her phone, the water bottle onto the floor, and makes angry gestures while looking clearly upset with furrowed eyebrows and a rather intimidating stance. Despite the gestures, it does seem she is more genuinely upset than angry. What are your thoughts?
Soul Shop stated, "Gilgun is making false claims regarding the problem with calculations," claiming she was violent towards Kim Tae Woo as well as his wife, Kim Ae Ri, a director in the agency.
You can read her full response to Soul Shop's claims from her press conference here. Which side are you leaning towards?
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