The behind story for 'ToToGa' in the MBC special Lunar New Year's documentary for 'Infinity Challenge' aired on February 20, featuring Yoo Jae Suk, the optimist. While the variety shows had to deal with the initial negative backlash from Noh Hong Chul's drunk driving incident, Yoo Jae Suk viewed it in a more positive light after the fact.
HaHa started it off lightheartedly, almost teasing his former co-star, with, "If that rascal hadn't made a mistake and we hadn't done a retake.." But Yoo Jae Suk then took on a more serious tone, as he wondered out loud, "It's so fascinating. Life is peculiar. The part that was done with Kim Jong Kook was fun, so I was extremely disappointed when it did not get aired. However, when we had to do the retake [due to the DUI incident], Kim Jung Nam and Shoo had a chance to appear. His mistake became a different kind of opportunity for others."
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It appears that although they all struggled with the consequences of Noh Hong Chul's DUI incident, having to re-film some of the parts, the show ended up having a huge feedback that they had not expected. The public also regained more interest in veterans like Kim Jung Nam and Shoo, giving the two a chance to shine while helping the program's special succeed.
In other news, So Ji Sub narrated this behind-special, so you should definitely check it out.
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