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Woman is sentenced to 30 years in jail after dismembering her date

Posted by Pakman31 pts Thursday, February 5, 2015
It has been announced that a 37-year-old woman 'A' was sentenced to 30 years in jail for dismembering her 50-year-old date 'B,' whom she met online. 

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The incident occurred in the city of Paju on May 26, 2014, when 'A' asked her online love interest 'B' if he would like to meet in person and start dating. Sometime during the date, the two went to a motel where 'A' stabbed 'B's body in 30 places around his chest and neck area.

'A' then purchased a chainsaw, plastic bags, and detergent from a nearby store. She amputated 'B's legs, hid his body parts in bags, and then cleaned up the crime scene. 'A' then took the bags out of the motel and dumped them in a waterway. A CCTV clip of her lugging a plastic bag can be seen in the clip above.

'A' claimed that she killed 'B' out of self-defense when he attempted to rape her. She stated in court, "I feel wronged. A situation over which I had no control occurred.

However, the Incheon District Court states that there is no evidence of this. They also said, "Considering that even after she abandoned [her victim's body] she met with another man she knew from the past and engaged in sexual intercourse with him, it is inevitable that we would give her a severe punishment.

Netizen top comments include: "Why did you guys give Cho Doo Soon only 12 years then? (Cho Doo Soon was found guilty of kidnapping an eight-year-old girl Nayoung and raping and beating her back in 2008)," "This case is exactly the same as the Suwon torso murder but why don't they show us ['A's] face? Why are they not revealing the identity of this female felon? I'm a woman, too, but this is unfair," and, "Whenever I see these cases, I find it funny that they hide a criminal's face as if they still have human rights."

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