On this particular airing, Kangnam revealed that he idolized J.Y. Park and Shinhwa back when he was dreaming of becoming a singer. When Kangnam was asked when he started to dream of becoming a singer, Kangnam answered, "I thought long about it. When I went to an 'Open Music Festival' in Hawaii, I saw J.Y. Park [perform]. I think my life changed that day."
In addition to celebrating his mother's birthday with a surprise party, Kangnam revealed pictures of when he was younger and just a bit chubbier than now. However, young Kangnam in the picture had the same mischievous smile and silly aura to him, drawing much attention.
Meanwhile, Kangnam revealed that he was bullied and ostracized for being different when he was younger. The idol had shared this particular story in the past when he confessed the circumstances were worse for him because of his short stature and because he's part Korean.

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