In case the K-dramatic antics weren't enough for you, some K-Dramas feature characters thinking of some of the corniest fantasies. Sometimes they fantasize a story to make up a ridiculous lie. Sometimes, they just want to daydream. Other times, characters even ship themselves with other characters and dream up of the silliest drama scenarios. The results are sometimes cringe-inducing, squeal-inducing, but they're also always hilarious and cute.
Check out some of these funny fantasy sequences or "dramaception" moments below!
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Prime Minister and I
In 'Prime Minister and I', YoonA has to lie to her coworkers in order to make her relationship with the prime minister, played by Kim Bum Soo, believable. The end result? A hilariously overdramatic fantasy of their love.
Speaking of romantic fantasies, in the currently airing K-Drama 'Pinocchio', Park Shin Hye's father character imagines how the romance between her and Lee Jong Suk will unfold. Somehow, it leads to a weirdly sexy toast kiss.
All My Love
While some characters prefer to keep their fantasies private, Lizzy tells the world that Doojoon gave her a random "spoon kiss" during a ddukbokki date, leaving Doojoon in disbelief.
My Girl
Lee Dong Wook has a moment of hilarious reflection when he realizes how his earlier conversation with Lee Da Hee in 'My Girl' could've sounded a lot creepier than he meant it to be.
Full House
Starting at the 2:20 mark, when Song Hye Kyo mentions her medicine is good for the hormones, Rain imagines what a Song Hye Kyo high on hormones could possibly mean. A bedroom visit? Oh my.
When Joo Ji Hoon offers to help Yoon Eun Hye undo her big hair, Yoon Eun Hye imagines much more being undone. Although she appears to resist in her fantasy, afterwards, you hear her go from, "You can't, you can't, you can't!" to, "You can, you can, you can."
Secret Garden
When Hyun Bin thinks to himself that Ha Ji Won can't possibly be his ideal type of lady, his imagination proves him wrong at 2:20, as he fantasizes Ha Ji Won with personas ranging from sexy to cute.
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Lee Seung Gi's friends imagine him interrupting Shin Min Ah and Noh Min Woo's wedding three different ways in this scene, covering all the possibilities. While at first Lee Seung Gi is imagined to be whisking Shin Min Ah away, it's decided the second time that bromance is the way to go with Lee Seung Gi leaving with a swooning Noh Min Woo. The third time, Lee Seung Gi approaches the two, revealing that the three of them are actually siblings and that they must unite to avenge their parents, bringing out all the crazy K-Drama wedding cliches together in just one minute.
You're Beautiful
Jang Geun Suk treads dangerously hilarious territory as he attempts to explain the world of fanfiction to Park Shin Hye. He imagines up an example featuring a love triangle that K-Pop and K-Drama fangirls alike would all approve. So uh, when's this drama being released?
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