
Red Velvet celebrate their 100th day anniversary

Posted by starsung89 pts Saturday, November 8, 2014
Red Velvet
Red Velvet celebrated the 100th day since their debut! As a special treat for fans, they posted messages on their official homepage.

SEE ALSO: Red Velvet’s 10th-anniversary concert film premieres in CGV theaters

Irene shared, "Hello~ It's Irene. Thank you for always sending a good energy starting from the unforgettable 2014.8.1 up until now. Thank you for being our strength. I, Irene, will also work hard to give you a good energy. Please don't get hurt. I hope that you be happy :). Thank you<3."

Joy shared, "<3Red Velvet's 100th day<3 Hello~ :) It's Joy!! Our debut stage still feels like a dream, but it's already our 100th day!!!! Thank you so so much for giving us a lot of love like this since our debut date on August 1??<3<3 Like we are now, let's continue to be together~~~ I'm always thankful, thankful, and thankful again hehe I love you<3<3<3!!!"

Seulgi shared, "Hello, it's Seulgi~ An unforgettable August 1. I can't believe it's already the 100th day since our debut!! It's thanks to you fans who work hard for and love us, right? I will return this grace by always working hard up to the next 1,000 to 2,000th day and so forth~ I thank and love you so much<3 Red Velvet forever~ ever~ ever!"

Wendy shared, "Hello~ It's Red Velvet's Wendy! Wow... I really can't believe that it's already the 100th day since our debut?? It feels like just the other day that I went on stage for the first time with a shaking heart... Time really flies!! It's thanks to my members who always give each other strength, the many people who always help us, and the fans who give us a lot of interest and <3~ I truly thank you, and thank you once again~ I will work hard to be a Red Velvet and Wendy who receives love by your side for a long time as if it was the first time. Please watch over us fondly~"

Tip: Izzy

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