The commemoration for the 49th day of passing for Ladies' Code's EunB took place on October 21. This is a very special day in Korean culture where rites are observed and the person's spirit is thought to enter paradise. On this day, the friends, family, fans, agency members, and fellow group mates Sojung and Zuny gathered once again.
On October 21 at 11:00 PM, they met at the Sky Castle Memorial Park. A rep told Ilgan Sports, "It rained on the day EunB departed us and it rains again today on the 49th day. EunB did not leave after comfortable circumstances; rather, she left abruptly, so I think the parents wanted to do something for her. We were able to give a Christian service quietly with the family."
A Polaris Entertainment rep stated to Newsen, "The 49th day for EunB ended well. Among the members, Sojung and Zuny took part. Ashley was unable to participate due to personal circumstances. EunB's family, Sojung, Zuny, her agency family, and some fans did a Christian service for her at the memorial park and sent on EunB well. EunB's mother did shed tears, but after the service, we looked at the sent in goods and talked about the past and smiled."
May she rest in peace.
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