On the September 15 edition of KBS 2TV 'Hello,' Super Junior's Heechul admitted that he and Son Dam Bi have a very special relationship but he was once again quick to point out that it was simply platonic.
On the show, an individual had sent in a concern regarding two friends who seem to be in a 'some relationship', a relationship between a boy and a girl where it appears there's more to the surface than just friendship. These two friends were apparently seen cuddling, going on frequent movie dates, and giving each other piggyback rides, and the individual who had sent in this concern asked the MCs of the show to figure out if there really was something going on between the two or whether they were just friends like they claimed.
Heechul stated right off the bat that he understood the friendship of the two as he himself has had experience with a similar relationship. He and Son Dam Bi have often been in the spotlight for their very close relationship and were suspected of dating in the past due to their nicknames for each other as well as frequent skinship.
The idol once again emphasized that he and Son Dam Bi are not interested in each other as men and women, and are just super close friends; "I have a friend who I have known for 12 years and that is singer Son Dam Bi. When we hang out, we'll link arms and I will call her 'my girl, my girl, my wifey'."
When the MCs pointed out that perhaps Heechul might not think of Son Dam Bi as a woman, but that Son Dam Bi might view him as a man, Heechul replied that that was not the case. "I asked her in the past once if she had ever thought about us dating, she would just say, 'Why do I have to think of such a thing?'" he said
Kangin then butted in and said, "Son Dam Bi hates guys like Heechul the most," confirming that their relationship is nothing more than platonic best friends.
Ryeowook also pointed out that Heechul has a lot of friends who are girls but he doesn't date. Heechul replied that this was to the point that there are even rumors that he liked men but that they aren't true.

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