Although SM Entertainment is one of the top and leading entertainment businesses in South Korea, it seems like even they can't avoid some epic fail moments.
A recent video introducing S.M.Rookies, Mark and Donghyuck, needed just one split-second shot to have heads turning and eyebrows raising in confusion and amusement. In this modern day of the ever growing internet, it seems like an employee at SM Entertainment has yet to discover the bliss of incognito mode for Google chrome (or TOR).
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Right at the 0:31 second mark of the video above, typing ensues in the url bar up at the top, but of course, this causes a drop-down menu revealing the website history explored by the user. Surprisingly, "" made the list...
A quick search on reveals is a closed down Malaysian internet site that was once used for finding the value of a website by entering a URL. So... it looks like someone at SM Entertainment was interested in finding the value of and forgot to delete browser history before publicizing this gem of a fact through, of all things, an SM Entertainment video. Uh-oh.
Who knows if this person frequents the site, but it appears the employee was interested in the value of it.

UPDATE: SM has put the original video on Private and uploaded a new edited video below.
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