Young Dal and his friends are in prison and beaten daily for stealing the money, which we find out belonged to boss, Man Bong. Young Dal then resolves to meet with him so they can strike some sort of deal. Dong Soo finds out Yang Ha is now in cahoots with Chairman Go, which Yang Ha's father is also unhappy about. Meanwhile, Dong Soo's former police squad is being led in an investigation by Shin Hye to help Dong Soo take down Daejung Group. Dong Soo breaks into the Daejung Casino safe in order to find ledgers and other information he can use to take them down. Chairman Yoon meets with Dong Soo and tells the former detective he knows who he is. Dong Soo assures him that Daejung Group will crumble and he will be the cause. At one point, Jung Hee visits Young Dal and they talk about their relationship, which he denies they have. Yang Ha offers to drive Jung Hee to a workshop but instead takes her to his property out in the country and asks her to give him a chance...
My take:
The love triangle that they've been developing between Jung Hee, Yang Ha, and Young Dal is finally taking shape this episode. When Jung Hee visits Young Dal in prison, our young thug basically blows her off when she tries to discuss their relationship. As near as I can figure, he doesn't want her endangered because of his illegal activities, and so he rebuffs her advances. Unfortunately, this has driven her into the arms of billionaire Yang Ha, who is used to getting what he wants. It was kind of fun to see where this would lead. I was pulling for Young Dal and her, and judging by her flashbacks this installment, apparently so was Jung Hee.

Young Dal is forced to kneel before Man Bong.
And Dong Soo is now seeing what kind of person Yang Ha is as he makes a deal with Chairman Go in order to keep Go under his thumb and get rid of Young Dal at the same time. It's interesting because now the battle lines are re-drawn: Dong Soo and Young Dal against Yang Ha. I have the distinct feeling that we're not going to see these three brothers as allies anytime soon, but we're only halfway through the series at this point. They portray Yang Ha as a control freak and a manipulative bastard--a very different person from we saw at the series' start.
Young Dal must have something up his sleeve, but what? Now that he's in prison, and trapped with Man Bong, I'm surprised he hasn't organized some way out. And getting beaten every day? That would be something I'd expect him to put a stop to before it started. It's almost like his martial arts skills serve him only when the script calls for it, and the rest of the time, he's powerless. But he wants a special audience with Man Bong, so apparently he's got some sort of plan. Not to mention his relationship with the old man...

Dong Soo gathers the information he needs to take on Daejung Group
The elderly cellmate must be important. We see him several times this episode, and he and Young Dal actually have an easygoing relationship. This despite the scene in which Young Dal is bathing him and he speaks of a lack of control over his bowels (ick!). What I'm not clear on is exactly why he's important or why the others in the same cell avoid him. I've watched another series in which one of the inmates was a plant. I wonder if that's the case here.
I love this. The labyrinthine nature of the plot is what keeps me tuning in week after week. Dong Soo and Young Dal keep getting thrown together, so I think teamed up, they will be a force to be reckoned with. I'm surprised Dong Soo hasn't sprung him yet, so is he likely to? And what's going to happen with Jung Hee now that Young Dal has blown her off and Yang Ha has her cornered? Bear with me, this show's not over yet!
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