SBS's 'One Night of TV Entertainment' covered the large car accident that Dal Shabet's Subin was unfortunately involved in a few days ago, leading to various injuries and examinations at the hospital.
It was revealed that the car had careened to the side, hitting the metal guard rails on the left before swerving to hit the guard rails on the right before toppling over it and landing upside down.
A rep from the relief center that lifted Subin out of the wreckage said, "On May 23 at about 7:30 PM, the van turned over. If you look at the state of the vehicle and the fact it overturned, it was a big accident." The van looked completely wrecked as you can see in the picture taken after the accident.
SEE ALSO: Dal Shabet's Subin reported to be injured in car accident + to cease schedule for now
In relation to Subin's condition at the time, the rep said, "She kept crying. She was really shocked. She was complaining of pains in her right ankle and her hip area." A police rep said in relation to the cause of the accident, "It looks to be negligent driving. We are currently investigating it."
Meanwhile, her agency revealed that Subin underwent surgery on May 28.

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