We saw in our last episode that Young Dal swore his loyalty to the man who murdered his father, Chairman Go (to his credit, he doesn't know this). Detective Dong Soo takes Young Dal out to dinner and they drink together at Dong Soo's house until our detective is snoring on the floor. Young Dal attends to his training camp, putting his men through their paces, while dealer training continues at the casino. Dong Soo undergoes an internal investigation inquiring why he closed the Chairman Go case. Shin Hye comes to visit Sabuk, and ends up talking to Young Dal (who blows her off), Dong Soo (who agrees to go there), and Yang Ha (for counseling). Jung Hee is annoyed that Yang Ha paid off her debt, and takes a ride behind Young Dal on his motorcycle out to the beach to clear her head. In the last scene, Dong Soo is at the casino, intending to meet with Young Dal, and Chairman Go expects Young Dal to knife him...
The training camp was an exercise in awesomeness and laughs. Some shots of it bordered on epic, others looked like something out of an 'SNL Korea' skit. Seeing guys power their way through a grueling session is inspiring; seeing flab bouncing and epic fails on the order of Wile E. Coyote is not. Young Dal is shown each scene, supervising. I wasn't taken by his acting here since I wasn't sure what they were trying to convey by his expression. Stoicism? Pride? Numbness? It was an indecipherable expression and not Jaejoong's finest hour. I'm not sure what I expected out of the camp, but I wasn't expecting special forces training. Kicking trees to toughen up the calves, running while dragging tires behind you, and hefting logs are all part of what we've come to expect out of hardcore military training. My problem with it is this: it focused entirely on physical fitness. I would think that in addition, you'd want pickpockets, scam artists, marksmanship and informants. But, hey, it's Young Dal's thing, not mine.

'Easy Rider,' the Korean version.
Young Dal is also making even more deals, approaching his backer for some more cash. He wants to overtake Madame Jang's casino, which doesn't sound like it would be too hard. If a simple phone call can shut it down, then actively trying to outdo it would be singularly simple. But why a casino? There appear to be at least two in Sabuk already with a third being built. Why compete with that? Instead, offer a service or a good that they don't already have there. That's typically how fortunes are made, but they seem to be driving into our heads the casino model here.
Despite the depictions of glitz and glamour, casinos are, by and large, *boring.* The thrill of pulling a lever and hearing the gears grind as your matches pop up one by one is now replaced with pushing a button and hearing some goofy electronic sounds telling you whether you won or lost. Rules and regulations prevent you from winning big at the tables featuring roulette, poker, and blackjack. And if you do manage to somehow win big, there are a bunch of bully boys who will work you over and ensure that you pay for your lucky streak. That's why I was a little surprised that Madame Jang didn't do much to our maknae, Yang Ha.

Yang Ha in his dealer's outfit -- definitely a fashion don't
Shin Hye's visit to Sabuk was unexpected, but refreshing. Amidst all these thugs, Shin Hye and Jung Hee are serious breaths of fresh air. Shin Hye has an easy way about her. She is more familiar than professional, and that might be what makes her a great therapist. She's able to get Yang Ha to open up, and Dong Soo is able to laugh and joke with her, which is one of the best ways to get to know someone. The interplay between Dong Soo and Shin Hye did not go unnoticed by Director Hyun, whose eyes tell us everything; he was practically burning up with jealousy. He's definitely someone to watch. If Chairman Go fails to eliminate Dong Soo, I'm sure Director Hyun would want a go.
'Triangle' seems to get more and more compelling. It seems like every time I think I know where it's going it goes places I would never suspect. Despite the seedy underbelly, the well-lit areas of hotels and casinos, attractive stars, and web-like intrigue, the show keeps dropping in viewer ratings. Spread the word, get on forums, tell your friends. Let's make 'Triangle' something that the networks want to continue to make. 'Triangle' fighting!
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