Drama Reviews

[Drama Review] 'Gabdongi' - Episode 4

Posted by eric_r_wirsing Thursday, May 1, 2014
Lee Joon, Kim Min Jung, Yoon Sang Hyun


In our last episode, our hero's investigation led him to the workshop of the second victim. He stands over her dead body covered in straw, and Chul Geon arrests him.

Maria asks Tae Oh if he is Gap Dong, and he simply laughs. He explains he was worried about her as he saw graffiti on the shower wall in prison: "Maria belongs to Gap Dong." This obviously rattles her, and at this point, we flash back: a mysterious figure writes "Oh Maria belongs to Gap Dong" on a steamed-up mirror.

No one else at the station believes that Mu Yeom is really Gap Dong, but that doesn't seem to matter as he has a DNA sample taken along with his clothes. Section Chief Cha demands to know why Mu Yeom was at the workshop and why he had straw on him. The answers are unconvincing, and Cha now is forced to declare him a suspect.

Maria shows up at Profiler Han's house. It turns out that Han is her stepfather. He expresses concern when she admits that she works at the asylum; she could be recognized if Gap Dong is incarcerated there. She asks a favor of him: can he profile Mu Yeom?

None of the evidence clears or condemns Mu Yeom. The police reject his account of an attack as nonsense. Chul Geon admits that he was wrong. At first, my heart skipped a beat, but then Chul Geon again shifts into full jerk mode and accuses Mu Yeom of being a copycat killer. He praises Mu Yeom for being a cop, saying that it would provide the perfect smokescreen.

Finding a warrant difficult to obtain through official channels, the cops force Mu Yeom into a psychiatric evaluation at the asylum. Maria is going over patient files when a whistling starts -- one of the primary warning signs that Gap Dong is about to attack. She follows the sound, but ends up finding nothing. The inmates poke fun at her. The nervous inmate silences them, saying, "But Dr. Maria…belongs to Gap Dong." A suspicious inmate (who keeps popping up) cautions that they wouldn't want to anger Gap Dong by messing with his woman.  
Mu Yeom is hooked up to a brain scan, which is supposed to detect any lies. After the test, the whistling is heard again. When she races out to find the source, Mu Yeom is held back by the cops. Again, our suspicious inmate is there. She asks if he whistled and he says no. Meanwhile our Tae Oh observes Maria while dressed as a clown with a seriously creepy expression.

Maria asks a nurse about our suspicious inmate, who we learn is named Choi Tae Shik. Apparently he suffers from depression and has attempted suicide many times. He is very polite, so the nurses call him Gentleman Choi. Maria observes him in the pottery room, but she can tell nothing about his hands.

Ji Wool meets with Tae Oh and shows him the work she has done so far on her web comic. The feeling we get when he looks at these is that he's drawing inspiration from the art, which is really unsettling.

Mu Yeom is set free when it is revealed that the Gap Dong DNA was destroyed, so there can be no comparison made. This, of course, enrages Chul Geon, who slaps a document onto the table and demands Mu Yeom resign. Our hero merely laughs at him, and tells him, "I'm the real Gap Dong."

When a woman enters the cafe, Tae Oh sizes up his next victim.

I'm still reeling from Mu Yeom's confession. Obviously he's got some kind of angle he's working, but I'm not certain what it is. I like how this show still manages to keep us watching, even though in some cases, we know exactly what's going to happen. There are some interesting twists, such as Mu Yeom's confession, Tae Oh's rather up-close encounter with Maria, and the creepy inmates.

Chul Geon angers me to no end. He's got the entire force up against Mu Yeom as well, which is just sad. They don't really believe he's the killer, but they're still willing to gossip and speculate. Chul Geon's single-mindedness may just derail the entire investigation. There has been some speculation in the episode that having Mu Yeom in custody while another murder happens is a bad thing PR-wise, but that may be what serves to convince Chul Geon.  We'll see.  Why do you guys think he confessed? And does Tae Oh know anything about Maria's past?

SEE ALSO: Lee Joon scheduled to appear on SBS-TV's 'JungleBob' season 2

  1. Lee Joon
  2. Kim Min Jung
  3. Yoon Sang Hyun
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