Drama Reviews

[Drama Review] 'Angel Eyes' - Episode 7

Posted by eric_r_wirsing Friday, May 9, 2014
Seungri, Goo Hye Sun, Lee Sang Yoon


Last episode we saw Soo Wan and Dong Joo embrace. So the two lovebirds are together at last, and everything's just peachy, right? Wrong. After the hug, Dong Joo just walks away, Soo Wan calling after him.

Soo Wan buries herself in her work while her relationship with Ji Woon deteriorates rapidly.  He asks her questions and she gives him terse, one worded answers. When she finds out her dad and Ji Woon's mom are planning an engagement party for her and Ji Woon, she gets even more confused. Soo Wan soon tells Ji Woon that she can't forget the past. She says she can't be with him, gives his pendant back to him, and walks away. But he's not done yet, and attempts to win her over by showing her the house that he wanted them to live in together. He had it custom built to their preferences. She tells him she can't love him, and he needs to find a woman who can.

Ji Woon's mother is a serious schemer. She places her son in charge of the ER so everyone can see he's the best. When she passes Dr. Choi in the hall, she gets suspicious.  He has a big grin on his face when he leaves Director Yoon's office.  She questions Director Yoon  about it, but he simply says she must have been mistaken. 

Later, Young Ji calls one of her informants to investigate Dr. Choi and find out what relationship he has with Director Yoon. In the meantime, most of her conversations with her son are not to tell him how proud she is but conspiracies designed to net Soo Wan or to explain why she placed him as ER Chief.

The detective formerly in charge of the hit and run, Woo Chul is putting his life together again. He appears to have cut way down on his drinking. He pores over his notes, trying to find something that will help him track down the hit and run perpetrator. He asks Min Soo to help track down the car by the tread marks. Dong Joo occasionally brings him food, and the two men sit and eat together. It's a great bonding moment, and may be a major factor in Woo Chul's transformation.

Rookie Fireman Teddy Seo gets closer to little Jin Mo. When he figures out it's Jin Mo's birthday, he not only sends an e-card (ascribing it to Jin Mo's mother), but gives him a package from America (also purportedly from the mom). Jin Mo's father, Woon Chan, in a strange way of showing thanks, switches places with Teddy. Instead of the station dormitory, Teddy sleeps at the house. Teddy cooks, cleans, irons, and is in sore need of a good night's sleep.  

Dong Joo manages to come back. Instead of going back to the hospital, he becomes a rescue worker, and is assigned as Soo Wan's superior. He enjoys reestablishing their working relationship, mischievously calls her out on her familiar tone, and gives her busy work to do. It's a natural thing not to go back to the hospital as Director Yoon officially disowned him. Dong Joo takes Soo Wan in a back hug at the end, telling her, "I'm not going to lose you again." She smiles, content. Ji Woon looks up at the couple, unseen, his expression grim.  

Now we get some more explanation as to what's going on, piecing the story together bit by bit, episode by episode. Dong Joo intentionally tried to drive her away because he knew it would throw her whole life into a tailspin. Soo Wan admits here to Min Soo that she can't stop thinking about him. Every time she's awake, she thinks of him. Every time she closes her eyes, she sees him. This would upset both Ji Woon and his mother, both of whom wanted her to marry Ji Woon. What I don't understand is why Director Yoon wants that marriage to happen. There doesn't appear to be that much to gain if you're already the director.

Dong Joo is funny and charming as Soo Wan's sunbae . This time, instead of being rude and cold, his disarming grin tells you he enjoys flustering her. He's teasing, and there's nothing overtly disturbing here. He doesn't grab her wrist, force her into a kiss, or even do anything to disturb her much. The only thing I don't understand is exactly why she is upset at his new career choice. Maybe it's that she just needs time to sort this all out, and she can't do that if she has to confront him as sunbae as well as recently returned childhood love.

Ji Woon just doesn't seem to take a hint here. It seems to me to have been building slowly, for awhile. He just didn't see it. Every episode she became increasingly uncomfortable around Ji Woon ever since Dong Joo came back. He's a really nice guy, and apparently money is no problem for him. He doesn't pressure her into intimate relations, he respects her space and establishes boundaries, it's just that he's dense. I wonder what's going to happen now that he's seen Dong Joo and Soo Wan hugging. If Dong Joo is a rescue worker, then that's bound to bring him to the hospital eventually and to the ER Chief specifically.

Young Ji worries me. It concerns me that somehow she has Director Yoon over a barrel, and that's why he pushes so hard for Soo Wan to marry Ji Woon. It's almost like there will be dire consequences if those two do not marry. And the fact that Young Ji is investigating any link that Dr. Choi has with Director Yoon seems like she intends to use this information as blackmail.

There are still unanswered questions, though. What kind of hold does Young Ji have over Director Yoon? Why is he so adamant about Dong Joo going away? Why was the hit and run accident covered up, and who was involved? Will Soo Wan ever figure out that Jung Hwa's death was deemed necessary for her to get a new pair of eyes? How is Ji Woon going to react now that he knows Dong Joo and Soo Wan are an item? Stay tuned, and we'll find out the answers together!

SEE ALSO: Seungri’s 2019 dance video goes viral again—netizens react coldly

  1. Seungri
  2. Goo Hye Sun
  3. Lee Sang Yoon
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