Drama Reviews

[Drama Review] 'Golden Cross' - Episode 4

Posted by eric_r_wirsing Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Lee Si Young, Han Eun Jung


The last episode ended with our hero, Kang Do Yoon, appearing before the Head Prosecutor Yi Re and admitting that he is Ha Yoon's brother. Note that he doesn't say Joo Wan is his father. When she asks if his father is the suspect, he replies: "Please indict him soon...I just hope the public forgets about this as soon as possible." He says he's investigated enough. She replies that if he hasn't looked into the "sponsor" of his sister (the man she was a mistress to), then he not only has a bad attitude as a son, but also as a prosecutor.

Joo Wan's wife is attempting to prove his innocence with a petition signed by his former co-workers at Hanmin Bank. However, Manager Yang is convinced by the higher-ups not to circulate the petition and is made team leader to boot. She confronts Joo Wan, telling him she knows he did not kill Ha Yoon, that he'd want to beat the real killer to death. She implores him to do the right thing for their son and recant his confession.   

Joo Wan knows he cannot prove his innocence without evidence. He will have to be craftier in order to get a message out since his letters get torn up by the prison guard. He remembers the inscription on Attorney Park's tablet: "Justice will definitely prevail." He asks a cellmate whom he bonded with about a tablet that had such an inscription, and the cellmate assures him everything is engraved by request. Another of his cellmates pipes up that only judges, prosecutors, and lawyers would get that sort of inscription - another clue to the identity of the man in the back room who blackmailed Joo Wan into confessing, the man we know as Attorney Park

Another meeting with Yi Re confirms that the text message he received from Ha Yoon's cell is missing from the phone records. The conspiracy is deeper than he ever knew. At this moment Park bursts in, obviously out of breath. He explains Moon Jae Ho is simply a member of his law firm, a VIP who works with the U.S. government. When Park's name is said in full, Joo Wan memorizes it. Attorney Park attempts a last bit of covert intimidation before he leaves, and Joo Wan again sticks to his story that he killed his daughter.

Yi Re is having a hard time proving Joo Wan's innocence.  Her co-workers think she's nuts what with her single-minded devotion to solving the case.  She hits a wall investigating the owner of certain accounts from which Ha Yoon received money for her "services." The accounts belong to an American, Moon Jae Ho (the person Park speaks of). She even chastises the arresting officer for his inability to find Ha Yoon's cellphone, which remains missing.

Dong Ha's problems are accelerating. Attorney Park goes to negotiate with Jang about the bank sale, and ends up being tempted by Jang to invest everything into the PAX fund and become wildly rich. Apparently it is illegal to sell banks to private equity funds. They lowered the bank's rating to somehow make it work. Jang wants Dong Ha to sell Hanmin, a 4.2 billion dollar bank, for 1 billion. Dong Ha's father-in-law commands him to deal with Jang. Yi Re also needs his help to track down this Moon Jae Ho. Jang offers to help her. Later, Dong Ha meets with Jang privately to beg him not to look into the account since it's one that the Golden Cross manages. Jang blackmails him with these terms: sell the bank for 1 billion or Dong Ha's daughter gets the information. Dong Ha agrees.

Do Yoon's life changes for the worse. First he isn't told about a time change for the prosecutor trainee luncheon, then he finds out that because of his father's charges, he will not be appointed as a prosecutor. Do Yoon visits his sister's grave, then his father. As he tries to leave, his father does what he can to get his son's attention. He presses his hands against the glass, and on his palms is written the full name of Attorney Park: Park Hee Seo. Do Yoon finally admits that he is Joo Wan's son, as our hero's father is dragged away from the visitation room by the police.

I like where the characters are going. The pieces seem to be coming together, and Park and Dong Ha are more nervous than ever. Jang is the prototypical sociopath, and will stop at nothing to achieve his ends. He has even admitted he's not afraid of the Golden Cross. This might well be because of his closeness with Dong Ha's father-in-law, whereas Dong Ha is at odds with him.

This show gets better all the time. There were some slow parts to be sure, but it's picked up and started barreling ahead full speed. Even within the Golden Cross, there are members that play different games, such as Michael Jang. Dong Ha is apparently under his father-in-law's heel, deferent to his wife's father, the man who holds the reins of power. Yi Re remains ignorant of her father's activities -- despite her position as Head Prosecutor, she is still very much daddy's little girl.  

Finally we see our hero begin to take shape. Initially Do Yoon had been fatalistic and accepted fully that his father was guilty of the crime of which he was accused. Do Yoon had disowned him and accepted that his father wanted to be speedily sentenced. Through the episodes, he wrestled with his personal demons only to be left defeated, crying and screaming. He was haunted by the twin specters of his father's betrayal and his sister's death. Only near the end of the episode does he reconcile with his father and vow vengeance on Ha Yoon's killers. I like this side of him. We finally get to see at least a hint of the man who will take on the Golden Cross.

I can't wait for the next episode. Any thoughts?

SEE ALSO: G-Dragon's new official lightstick design is being praised

  1. Lee Si Young
  2. Han Eun Jung
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