Drama Reviews

[Drama Review] 'Emergency Couple' - Episode 10

Posted by eric_r_wirsing Monday, March 3, 2014
Choi Jin Hyuk


In our last episode, Chang Min told Jin Hee not to go out with other people, because it made him uncomfortable. She tells him now that they're divorced, and it shouldn't matter if they date other people.

Chang Min has set an insane challenge for himself. Over the course of working with his ex-wife, he's found himself drawn to her, wanting to protect her. Hand lettering a prescription to stave off meningitis, protecting her in the elevator, and telling Chief Guk to back away from starting anything with Jin Hee; all of these point to a man in love. Of course, she hasn't shown any kind of interest in Chang Min; actually, she seems to still detests him as much as ever. Angry interludes on the roof or in the stairwells don't help Chang Min's case much, either. Not to mention her and Guk's relationship.  

Jin Hee has shown very little interest in Chang Min so far. About the only clues we get is the jealous reaction to Ah Reum cleaning Chang Min's lapel and the shared dream sequence. The revelation that Chief Guk is interested in Jin Hee was a bit abrupt -- was this a ploy to annoy Chang Min or the real thing? Most of the times Dr. Guk and Jin Hee are thrown together seem like accidents or awkward slapstick. Are she and Chang Min really that likely to get back together?

The shared dream was daebak! Jin Hee and Chang Min after going to sleep have the same dream: the time they met in med school. He gets nauseous in Anatomy, she gives him herbs to curb it, and she ends up in his arms when a cadaver's arm touches her. It gives us a great look into what was in the past--something amazingly romantic. The sad thing is that, afterwards,they both ponder what their lives could have been like had any of those things not happened.

And what's up with the red jacket? Remember the one that Jin Hee gave Dr. Guk? Well, he ends up trying it on, and Ji Hye asks him why he looks like someone who just tried on a stolen jacket. At a club, Chang Min makes a point of spilling on it, and then steals it later on. I'm not sure why Guk and Chang Min have their respective reactions. Why was Dr. Guk uncomfortable with it?  It's a thank you gift not for saving her job but for taking her under his wing. And Chang Min stealing it? Does he want it for himself? Apparently not since he's tearing at it and spilling on it. Then he outright steals it and sticks it in Yong Gyu's pack.

Ji Hye still has her secrets. Again we are privy to a phone conversation in English, this time about a blood test. Still she deflects questions from Dr. Guk about this. Does she have a child in the U.S.? Is that why the conversations are in English? It must be something severe to order a blood test...

Meanwhile the menace Sung Sook dines with her estranged husband and tells him about her plans to marry Chang Min off to Ah Reum. She also questions him about the note she found from Jin Hee in his desk, tells him not to do anything like that again, and suggests they get a divorce after Chang Min is married. Her demands surprise me. Not like I don't expect her to make demands, it's just that I don't quite understand them. Why does she not want him to contact Jin Hee? Would that make it harder to break with the past and marry off Chang Min? And how can you marry off someone that doesn't want marriage or dating in their life right now? In addition, why wait on the divorce? Unless presenting a united front to her family would be beneficial to the union?

And now Chang Min has one more thing to feel miserable about, though he publicly blames Dr. Guk for it. While taking Jin Hee back to the hospital, he stops suddenly at a red light and she shoots forward and breaks her collarbone on the dash. He uses his scarf to design a makeshift splint and keeps vigil by her bedside. Seeing her lying there, he takes the opportunity to kiss her, which is a seriously bold move. She knows Chang Min is interested, but she doesn't seem to return that interest much.

This is shaping up to be interesting. How is Sung Sook going to marry off Chang Min? All hell's likely to break loose when she finds out he's interested in Jin Hee! Will she cut him off again or will he tame the wild beast raging within his mother? I guess we'll have to wait to find out! 

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  1. Choi Jin Hyuk
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