Men always look sexy in a suit. Don't you agree? 'Prime Minister and I'
brings us the latest in suit fashion. Rather than focusing on the cut
or tailoring of the suits and coats, let us look at how to jazz up your
typical work wear.
1. Knit Stripe Scarf
2. Rugby Stripe Scarf in Light Heather Gray
However, they don't always get it right! This coat makes Yoon Si Yoon look like he is wrapped in gigantic gray rectangular bubble wrap! He'll definitely survive a blizzard in that gray coat.
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Pop up your collar
Chief Kang (Yoon Si Yoon) often wears his collar upturned. Some may view it as a preppy status symbol or just a popular culture fashion. I think it draws attention to the face as the collar seems to be pointing to the face saying "look at me". Or maybe it is just the Yoon Si Yoon effect?Wear a scarf under your suit jacket
I think this is a very good way to add a bit of texture, pattern and colour to men's suits. It adds another layer to the look and also provides added warmth. Looking at Prime Minister Kwon Yul (Lee Bum Soo) and Chief Kang's warm scarves reminds me of the variety carried by GAP. These scarves are so soft and warm.1. Knit Stripe Scarf
2. Rugby Stripe Scarf in Light Heather Gray
Fashion Flaw: Bubble wrap is a no-no
However, they don't always get it right! This coat makes Yoon Si Yoon look like he is wrapped in gigantic gray rectangular bubble wrap! He'll definitely survive a blizzard in that gray coat.
I love many of the details in their looks and there really are a lot of classic styles that will suit almost everyone. I was also looking for new accessories for myself so that everything would match theirs. I found excellent men's dress belts on the site